Home Buyers Take Advantage of Low Mortgage Interest Rates
If you’re looking to buy a home — or get a better interest rate for your existing mortgage — it’s time to start researching your options. Currently, mortgage rates are low throughout the United States, but economic factors could change that in the near future. To take advantage, you’ll need to collect as many quotes as possible. By understanding the market, you can improve your chances of locking in a loan with an excellent rate.
Over the past several years, mortgage rates fell considerably, partly due to low federal interest rates and optimistic economic forecasts. In 2021, federal interest rates will probably stay low, but that’s not a certainty — and while the mortgage market is influenced by the federal government, low interest rates don’t always mean cheap mortgages.
Lenders look at a variety of economic indicators when deciding rates, and average APRs can change significantly from month to month. In the second week of February 2021, the average interest rate for a 30-year fixed mortgage was 2.98 percent in February 2021according to S&P Global. That’s low, but not as low as in some months in 2020.
The bottom line: If you’re thinking about buying a home or refinancing, you’ll need to act quickly to take advantage of the current market. You’ll also need to understand the factors that can affect your offers.
Mortgage lenders look at a variety of factors including:
Mortgage companies may interpret these factors in wildly different ways, which could lead to significant differences in interest rates. The bottom line: To buy a home with the lowest possible interest rate, you’ll need to get rates from several different lenders.
The savings can be significant. According to one Freddie Mac study from 2018, the average borrower can save an average of $1,500 over the life of their mortgage by obtaining a single additional rate quote. Many borrowers take that approach — but just under half of all applicants use the first company they find.
Comparing quotes could save you thousands of dollars, and the more quotes you’re able to compare, the better your chances of locking in a great mortgage. That doesn’t mean submitting full applications to dozens of lenders; you can use online resources to get basic quotes from lending institutions, then narrow your search as you develop your understanding of the market.
When looking at quotes, keep these factors in mind:
Lenders have some flexibility when offering mortgages. By collecting quotes, you may be able to negotiate, reducing your closing costs considerably.
The right mortgage can save you considerably by reducing your total obligation. Whether you’re switching from a variable mortgage to a low fixed rate, refinancing to a shorter term, or buying a new home, your choice of lender will determine how long you’ll spend paying off your loan — in other words, it’s a major financial decision.
Take your time researching, paying attention to all of the costs of each loan. Evaluate mortgage companies responsibly, using online resources to collect as much information as possible. By looking at a variety of mortgage options, you can take advantage of low interest rates to improve your financial future.
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